Green Reading. Revolutionized.

We're not just reading greens - we're dissecting them with quantum-level precision.

Our engine throws everything at your putt: advanced gravimetric modeling, differential geometry, and multi-variable calculus. Your phone's sensors feed real-time data through proprietary algorithms that would make NASA sweat. We're talking:

  • Non-linear slope dynamics

  • Stimpmeter-calibrated friction coefficients

  • Ball path trajectory modeling

  • Real-time 3D topographical mapping

But equations alone don't sink putts. We battle-tested this beast with Tour pros and elite players worldwide. Thousands of putts. Every possible break. Endless refinement.

The result? A physics engine that doesn't just calculate breaks - it predicts putting perfection with missile-guidance precision.

Your phone becomes a supercomputer, processing complex gravitational vectors and spatial geometrics in milliseconds. While others are guessing, you're playing with surgical precision.

This isn't just math. It's putting's event horizon. The perfect fusion of science and swagger.

Every slope. Every break. Every single time.

Used by pros who can't afford to miss. Trusted by amateurs who refuse to three-putt.

Ready to putt like physics is your caddie? Download OnePuttIt. Start dropping bombs.

Start Dropping Bombs